I love my city - A rant

I love my city. 

It's fantasy and reality all rolled into one. 

When I hear young folks wanting to come to California, for the beaches, the babes, the acting...I marvel at the fact that I am here. 

I've lived in Los Angeles for over 36 years. It has changed for the better and for the worse. 

Two years ago our South Central community was robbed of our nearest library. Instead, housing was constructed over where the library had stood for more than 30 years. The brutality of what happens in our inner city neighborhoods is deep cutting. Our children are robbed of knowledge for the sake of housing. Housing with a small number of apartments that will never do enough to house the many families that live here. 

I wish you could walk down the street to my son's school. Everything looks normal, until you see the buildings tagged with the garbage taggers write on walls. It makes our neighborhood look horrible. No one that lives in those buildings, that know those people that tag, do anything about it. I've contacted the school for help but there is only so much they can do, I've tried to speak to landlords, but they are not from the neighborhood and I honestly feel like they could care less. 

Change can happen slowly, but I know someday soon I'll hit the right chord and things will start to change in our little chunk of a big city. 

Last one, every day, for hours you hear mopeds go up and down our street. I called the police today. Enough, you know! My son will learn, dammit! He will not solely be the product of his environment. I will help him thrive. 

...There are kind people here. Hard working. Scared to speak up. Worried to loose whatever they have. Police don't always come, some have attitudes, some want your information and that intimidates many. I feel like its up to me sometimes and sometimes I let my problems just take over and derail me. But my city, where I grew up, where I taught, and where I live is a part of who I am! I don't just want to leave someday. I want to make it better. For my kids and their kids. 

To live and Die in L.A.,

Kathy <3