Mr. George Floyd - thoughts (kind of religous, age-y, but my truth)

With all due respect to Mr. George Floyd.  

Mr. Floyd could be any one of us. 

People we know. 

We also know what abuse of power looks like. That too can be found in any one of us, or the people we know. 

It is not often we hear someone die. To listen to someone gasp for air, call their mother and then stop moving. To have footage, different angles of someone's death. The callousness in which Mr. Floyd died can make folks hate this world. What other's do can affect us all. 

Sometimes, late at night, when everyone is falling asleep, I lay in bed and think about murders I read in the news. I try to connect to the deceased. I say their names in my mind until something changes. Colors, thoughts or sounds, emerge from where there should be none. When I connect, I hear things, and they hear me, too. 

Sounds ridic, but it's true. 


When Mr. Floyd died, people watched and listened as he called our for mercy. Grown men who should have done better refused to give it to him. He should have been treated with dignity. It is not about color or even the reason behind the story, it is a basic human need to breath. To deny someone the God given right to live is an atrocity. 

But death, death is complicated. Being isn't over when you stop breathing. We evolve into the next step of our being. I believe that the afterlife is very dependent on the manner in which we die. A murder, for example, could result in a soul trapped in that moment, left in despair over death/lost loved ones. 

The way one lives their life can also can affect how fast you move on to your next phase in life. If you were a bad neighbor, for example, you may need to repent over your shit ways before you get the all clear. How long any of that takes I don't know, and I assume it's very personal. 

Before I try to connect to anyone, I always pray. I pray for my protection and pray for people's souls, and for their souls to want to hear me, to detach from the moment they died, to break the chains that trap them (hate, revenge, despair...). It is important to forgive those that have hurt you, in life and death. To move toward the mightiest redemption of all, freedom to repent to the most high. 

I can't recall if I was able to connect with Mr. Floyd, sometimes souls have reached a level of consciousness I can't get to...sometimes they don't need me. But I am sure I tried. Sure I cried. I felt, like most, the horrors of history repeating: riots, pain, loss, death, brutality, injustice... 

But our work is never over, to make this world better is where it is at!

In life and as he passed onto death, Mr. Floyd became a lesson in ourselves. Who are we? How much do we tolerate in the name of "protection'? Who do we want to become as a society? This is a global issue! Racism, intolerance, abuse of power and hate roam around much like the virus. 

The reality of what happened to Mr. Floyd, in less than 10 minutes, is a testament to the amount of work we need towards empathy. Empathy to put ourselves in a position to feel what someone else might feel. No color, no nonsense. We all deserve to live, and to end the senseless need to win. Aren't we here? On this beautiful planet, one in a billion...

God rest Mr. Floyd's soul.