F*ck Man (neighbors be trippin')

My neighbors are the fucking worst. 

They play loud assss fucking music, loud assss fucking music with full blast bass. 

My daughter cries, no longer wants to take naps. 

They are just absolute fucking trash. 

I can't handle this. 

I don't want these vibes around me!

It feels like my walls come crashing down. 


Fuck! Be kind. Just be fucking kind. To anyone. 

Enough of seeking revenge for wrongs that were never done. 

You've met the type, fucking mean, just for the heck of it!

I don't want to take it!

I wish I had money. I'd give it to these creeps to make them go away. I'd build parks, and place gardens in the places where they used to stay.

God, sometimes I feel like you just leave me alone, here. 

Like you don't even care. 

And then I think the lesson is more for them than for me, I know I have things to learn, but alone I am not.

I hold on to that so ferociously, as I have for all my life. 

Always dreaming of beautiful things on the horizon.

Palo Santo, Sage, prayers, intentions and Love.  

....The worst just happened, I wanted to loose my temper. thank god for medicine, therapy and patience. Man, I called the police, twice. They never came. My life is this strange juxtaposition between good and bad. I'm always trying to be the good. This shit sucks. I've lived here about 12 years, and they've lived here about 8. They have always been loud. Parties, Banda music, DJ's. The husband would wake up at 5:30am and start playing loud music. He then bought chickens, fixed cars at crazy hours of the day and night, bought multiple dogs, accused us of killing his dog (that was when we knew this dude was crazy, we would never harm an animal!), bought loud cars and now this bass business. This has turned into repeated harassment. I want to work towards moving out of this house. I want to write, and be recognized for it. To make a living showing the world I am good at this. 

This can't be it. I was supposed to be this awesome fucking teacher, and I got pregnant and things went sideways. My PMDD made it difficult to find a part time job, or write and be a mother. With things going smoother with medication and with therapy I hope to accomplish something that lasts a lifetime in this world.