Funeral viewings, heartache and Covid

December and January have been difficult months. I have lost loved ones to Covid during the year 2020, and sadly 2021 has been just as devastating. It has taken time to process my emotions and find resolution in the injustice of their deaths. 

Last night I went to my uncles viewing.  I grieved so heavily. I cried for everyone that has died, in my life, from Covid. The sadness in the room was stifling. Hearing others cry, listening to others cry because you cry. 

Sometimes we make the shittiest of choices in life. We choose to be rude, or just not speak to others. Perhaps towards a sibling you may find annoying. Or towards a family member. When someone passes we tend to go back to how we treated them. May find it hard to say a final goodbye, perhaps because time was squandered when we were living. 

Being human can be a beautiful experience, but our passing, especially during this Covid time, is heartbreakingly unfair. Time is taken from our grasps, so cruelly, so quickly, it stuns you, days follow with that same feeling of loss, until you start to feel better, and then...


Three weeks after my uncle died, my cousin Suzy also died of Covid. She was young, beautiful, kind and sweet. Her and I spoke last over 6 years ago. Made a promise to reconnect and never did. I regret not calling. I had not spoken to Suzy's brother for well over 10 years. Back then things were said and I hardly ever forget. I called him days after Suzy's passing. I had to tell HIM how much I loved her, how much of an angel I thought she was. 


If you can, make the effort to reach out to friends and family. Spread a little love. It's sad to say, but you just never know what can happen tomorrow. We don’t know who is suffering in silence today, be it Covid, another sickness or mental health issues. 

Stay healthy and safe,

With love & respect,
