Therapy and ME - Session 2

Getting help can feel very uncomfortable. Talking to a stranger about your life is overwhelming. I'm finally speaking about things I kept hidden for years. I have dealt with things my own way so I didn't have to be honest. I wouldn't let anyone into my thoughts. 

Today, I admitted things that although small, have hindered my life for years. 

I am thankful for humans. Humans that care enough about others to help them with their feelings, thoughts and life. I love my fellow humans. We aren't perfect, and some are damn despicable, but the good people on this Earth are amazing people. 

This morning, I heard someone speak about spirituality. How we can feel very spiritual, very connected to angels and to God, but at the same time we lack the tools to communicate with humans. That is how I feel on Earth, I don't know what I am doing, having felt like I always got it wrong. I can speak to God anytime, but speaking to others can be quite a challenge. 

It turns out it's about perception. Our childhood, living life...We could all be in the same room, yet have a different experience based on the things that happened in our lives. So although things seems easy breezy, they can be hard to digest based on our upbringing and how we have lived life thus far. 

I have to turn on my negative thoughts and give ME a chance to grow. I am afraid of anger, but anger is the way I express my frustrations, it's up to me to challenge my perception and have a healthy expectation of the way I express my feelings. 

All with time, one MIGHTY step at a time. 

Have a fab. day, it's lovely outside,
