Thank YOU, updates

Quick updates:

My car was fixed, for free, by the dealership. Another spark plug had gone bad, making it the 3rd time that has happened. I'm trying to stay positive about our car situation. I can't dwell on something else going bad. Time to enjoy our car!

My daughter has had one month (4 weeks) of speech therapy. Ms. Lori is a kind woman, who is helping my little one better pronounce her 'F's' and 'H's' at the moment. We saw an improvement in Jazzy's speech as soon as I began to help her pronounce her words, but with Ms. Lori's guidance Jazzy is really moving her lips and emphasizing her sounds. Woo hoo!

I've had a few health issues and finally made it to the doctor. Everything is being taken care of, and I am thankful I was vigilant about my health and got to see doctors as soon as possible. I'll update soon. 

My mental health has been nothing but mush these last few months. I started to blog again and months after I just couldn't even turn on my laptop. I have a therapist that is helping me with my anger and depression. It is all new. I've never had so much help in my life. Thankful & hopeful. 

It's been an eventful few months. I have not been on here, but I've been making moves. Time for clear perspective and a life worth enjoying. 

I hope you are doing FAB!...Like for real, I hope you have a beautiful day! And if it ain't that's ok!! Breathe. A few times... sometimes writing, picking up a book, just reading a website can be the difference between exploding in anger or tears. I've been there. 

Make it a fabulous day by breathing in a little deeper,

Thank YOU for reading, 
