Change Your Environment, Change Your Mind

One of the strategies that helped me yesterday was to change my environment. I was stressing out about breakfast and having a teething three who was also hungry for food. Jazzy was making me feel angry. She has this beautiful way about her. She smiles and I melt. But I was becoming overstimulated by list of things I needed to do and the deadlines I was giving myself. 

I sent her to her toys, she was upset, but I went around my house, pink 10 year old bathrobe on, loose hair, full of loose curls and I opened all the doors, and cracked opened our windows. I let the sunshine in. It helped me take a deep breath and 

I was able to overcome that instance of frustration. I was able to take one thing at a time. Put her in a high chair, give her toys, finish breakfast, get my son ready for zoom. 

I can't control others. I have to go with it and find ways to distract myself from what made me feel physically upset. Yelling is a harsh reality , it's not OK. I was like two personalities and them not knowing when I'd be upset. Who the heck wants to live that way. Not I. Not them.

So if you can, take a minute to open up your curtains, open up your doors and enjoy nature. 

I hope you have a great day!


2:20 my Favorite Part <3