Feeling goooood


Happy Sunday!

Today, I am drinking Margaritas and hanging out with my family. I am not a heavy drinker, but I used to be. I was an obnoxious drinker. A crier, a yeller, just dumb. So I've cut back a whole lot over the years. But today, baby I'm lettin' loose and getting bloated ('cus, damn I feel like I'm gaining some pounds). But, you know what, that's what Monday's are for. I'll get more active tomorrow.  I'm not acting as dumb, lol, life has changed me so much (sniffle). 

Today, I made breakfast, washed a ton of dishes, showered the kids, and got a little tipsy. Life feels good af right now. 

It has also been an amorous weekend. 

Sex is not something I crave, most likely because I am always beating myself up about my shit behavior. Just unkind towards the smallest things. I'm looking forward to freedom to feel sexual, sensual, just plain hot. To feel comfortable in my body. I have had two babies and gained too much weight, but have worked hard at getting to a body shape that feels good to me. It's about the scale, yes, but it's also about how I feel with that sexy dress on, or that baby doll I want to use. 

Anyway, it's been a hot, productive, loving weekend. I'll typically have this feeling and then shit on it, but I am so hopeful that this will be a trend in my life; where I can just feel like I am in control of my emotions, the sex and most importantly, my life! 

On a side note,  I forgot to take my psychiatric meds last night! That's how I got my two kids!! LOL (uuufff) but I'll get back on track tonight. It was a fun filled evening and I wouldn't take it back for the world. My family is here for me, and that is the best feeling in the whole wide world. And something I often took for granted. 

Have a wonderful start to your week!

Love, always, 
