Washing Dishes, it can be relaxing

Something I'm getting accustomed to is not letting small things make me mad. I look at situations from my depressed, angry, sometimes manic self and now get to see them through different eyes. It's strange, some things don't elicit much reaction. They never should have. But a month ago small things would drive me crazy. Make me cry. Made it tough on my kids. 

It has been about two weeks of using medication to treat my PMDD (PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). I feel almost like I would the week after my period. Ready to tackle things, feel creative. There have been side effects, but to feel in control is such a good feeling. I know more time is needed, but, for now, I feel good.

Last week I took a How to Manage Stress class online. One of the takeaways was to take time to enjoy the small things, even the "chores."

They used to be CHORES! for me.

But now they are chores, I can take the negativity out of the thought by making that a time to relax. For example, during washing dishes I can feel the soap through my fingers, listen to the water fall, dripping thought the dishes. I can buy soaps with scents I enjoy, like cranberry, rose, green apple...I can think of things I like, things I need to improve, goals and achievements. 

Changing a mindset can be easy, you buy your scents, get some new dishes and a new drying rack and bam, let's go, chores can be fun. 

But for me it took more than that. It took speaking to professionals. It took opening up to strangers about a reality I held hidden, tucked away in the depths of what I perceived as shame. 

I just needed help.

I grew some balls and asked for help. I was honest and it has been the best thing to happen in many years. 

Either way though, it can be done and we can see things, say things in a kinder way. 

For us. 

Have a productive day,
