Mindful Moments

Take a minute to stop. 
To breath deeply in and with pursed lips let it out. 

The out should be longer than your breath in, listen to your breath leave your mouth, relaxing your body after each time. 

do this five times (~1min). 


Finding a quiet spaces can be tough, I've opened the fridge and taken a moment there. The restroom works, too. Take a minute to let go of what is taking up too much time, either physically, mentally, or is making you feel uncomfortable. 

If, like me, your pattern is to NOT listen to your own voice of reason, hun, you must!  Stop any behaviors that you know are unhealthy and make a mindful and thoughtful change in your life. If you are unable to, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Seek a trusted friend, adult, loved one, doctor...someone will really listen if any other does not. 

Let's be happy :)
