Unsolicited Covid Opinions - In Person Learning

I'm not going to apologize for sending my son to school. 

He stayed home for nearly 18 months. At the end of first grade he got top of his class and a perfect attendance award. He was eager to go to school. By now we have spoken about Covid often enough that he knows he needs to protect himself. 

Look, I understand that he can get sick, and I worry about my young daughter getting sick. But I am trying to have him change masks, wash his hands, use hand sanitizer and shower when he gets home. We are vaccinated. He's getting Covid tests weekly. We are doing our part, and the school is too. They were open during the last trimester of my son's first grade year. We declined our son going to school, then. We were not vaccinated. 

In the midst of surge in cases, I wrestled with second thoughts, even the day before classes began I was nervous and wanted to pull the plug. The plan is to give it two weeks and if everyone feels well and there are no cases, he can continue going to school. 

Related to all that, yesterday I received a text message that upset me. This person wrote LOL (laugh out loud) after I wrote them in a text message much of what I wrote above. 

And in the same text writes, Hope Jazzy doesn't get sick. 

Thanks, for the well wishes? He says he misses the kids, and wants to spend time with them, but then acts like an immature person when he's in his 30's! 

Like, why the LOL?

I told him he was laughing at my kids. Did he think it would be funny if my children became sick?  He says, "It's not that serious, I'm just being 'funny'." Really? I told him to shove his LOL where it don't shine. He doesn't have time for me he reply's, good, It's mutual. 

I heard a sweet soul say last night that if you ignore you're bodies messages, the primal tingles, and feelings you get when you know things don't feel right, you may get other messages that are more in your face. More evident. This interaction was a big let down for me. This person has lacked empathy for years. Deflects from himself when things don't go how he'd like. I have made effort to give advice. And to push past bad feeling between us. But he needs to become more aware of his words, his behavior. 

Thanks for sticking with me.