Happy Thursday

Happy Thursday!

Getting my son ready to get back to school today. It's been a tough few days. My period is around the corner and my mind has been racing. I skipped both my psychologist and psychiatrist appointments last month. Sucks, 'cus in reflection, I needed them both. But I called and rescheduled. This morning I feel good. I slept well. 

When we are in the thick of it. Sad, angry, depressed. When the negative talk wont stop chattering! Know that it will get better. It seems like death or anger or sadness are the only way, but they aren't. Take the time to do one thing that will help you. Wash your face, play music, rest, write. 

Whatever it is, know you are not alone. You have so many of us feeling like you, and we too have to make it until we realize it does go away, and we are valuable in this world. 
