Frozen Salad?

All children are getting meals to take home at LAUSD. It's a snack and a breakfast for the next day. On Friday's, they get a bit more food for the weekend. This service is provided for all students, free of charge. This undertaking began during covid for LAUSD. Its then superintendent Austin Beutner, wanted to provide food for all students because he knew that was where most underprivileged students got their nutrition. This then blossomed into anyone could pick up food to take home during the months when covid was raging in Los Angeles.  

Now that school is in session, it is back to only students receiving a food parcel. On Monday, my son brought home his. I always look through the food and offer fruits and juices. His bag had a lettuce bag on Monday. It was frozen and in no condition to be eaten. The food on Monday was frozen from the Friday before. I wrestled with contacting his teacher. I had already made a fuss about the drop off and pick up line. But at the end, I sent off a note and a picture of the salad to his second grade teacher. 

Three days later I get a response...from the principal!! I didn't want to bother her. I thought his teacher might direct the message to one of the two vice principals. But I get it, she's the boss. 

Mrs. S replied with screenshots of emails sent between herself and two district food employees. She told me she'd check in regularly with the food service manager to make sure the food provided is of good quality. 

My heart "hurts." People don't seem to care. I've written on here before that I love my city. But its a tough ass place. In my own ways I am here to stand up for the little guy. 

I also see I can appear like a neurotic bitch, which again, self reflection is a good thing.

Have a great day, 
