Potty Training Update - Things I've learned.

It was becoming too much to hold her hand while she went poop. Especially since she enjoyed it so much she changed her poop schedule. She used to poop one time, after breakfast. Now she gets excited about going to the restroom and doing a combo of 1 and 2's. 

In order to get her off my hand so I could actually get feeling back into it, I gave her a stuffed animal to hold. I sit the stuffed animal next to the bowl and give her its hand. It is not the stuffed animal she sleeps with, and she knows to ask for it or grab it when she needs to. At times she'll want to hold my hand, I mostly tell her I have to clean something and bring her the stuffed animal. I don't want to continue a habit I want her to break. If she catches me just on the phone, sitting on the couch, I'll hold her hand, can't say no. 

We are buying the last pack of diapers for her. SOOOO awesome! I am buying one small pack and that's it. We will try 100% undies after that. She is learning to wipe herself. I have to let her go for it and try her best to clean her booty. The idea of no diapers at night does worry us, but I saw a hack! To use water resistant bed covers that go under the bead sheet. 

The idea is to make two water resistant layers. By covering the mattress with a water resistant cover, then a fitted sheet over both cover and mattress, then adding a second layer of water resistant cover and a fitted sheet covering the whole thing. If she has an accident I don't have to search for sheets. I can pull off the wet sheet and bed cover, change her and get her back into bed. I'll let you know when It comes in handy. 

I also saw a post that said we should let kids potty train as they see they are ready. I believe that is true. Scrambling to try to teach a child to potty train when school is starting or daycare needs it can be hard on the child and the family. My biggest advice is buy a potty early, in my opinion between 2-3 years old is a good time, and have it around for them to explore. As they see you go to the restroom they will want to copy you. New things are often scary to children, so crying is a part of their development. Don't take it personal. They can and will do it. Positive reinforcement can come in many ways, find a way to communicate that helps them feel good about their accomplishments, however small. But also encourages them to try new things even if they are scary. Not forcing, but expressing understanding in their fearfulness while also letting them know they are safe. Learning to potty without a diaper is a normal part of become a big boy or girl or person, or being. 

I hope this helps. This second potty training has been pleasant, never thought I'd write that. 

Thank you for reading, 
