Showing haters the ample size of my derrière

We went to Point Fermin in San Pedro, today. 

I dislike going out, but I have to keep all my mental crap at bay for my family. My kids want to have fresh air and a chance to be kids. So damn it, I got in the car and we drove to San Pedro. 

First, it was crowded. Teens or twenty somethings were throwing a gig (party for children) of some sort. Cute. Whatever. 

We decide to go the complete opposite way and climb a steep ass hill. 

As I was climbing, I was looking at the floor the entire time. Rocks gripping my Asics to the ground. Suddenly my husband announced, "It's too steep" to continue. "We could fall." And like in a freakin' cartoon, I realize we are too high and I have two children. And that we could all, in fact, tumble down the dang hill. 


And I kind of panic. I'm a share-er so I was like "Oh shit, I think we could fall." Anyway, we all look at each other and decided we have to start to get down, because we can't just stay up in a hill like statues. Of course by now my son thinks he will fall. So grips me, and I have to act like this is fine, just follow me, and step on these shrubs and we'll be fine. 

Until he decided he wants to be with my husband and cuts across diagonally from the safety of the shrubs we are using as ledges and grabs onto my husbands sweater as to not loose his footing. Husband is holding our heavy 3 year old daughter. Ggggrrrr! You child! Luckily, no one falls, but dammit! Why won't kids look at danger, instead of beyond it, to whatever prize they perceive is waiting. 

So I'm alone, and still like 20 feet from safety. My heart races, my sweater is behind me, my tits, feel bigger than ever, why? Who knows. And for a second I think, "I should cover my stomach, it's probably bouncing all over the place." But then I feel the fresh air, and I push that thought aside as I arrive on even ground. 

I kind of don't want to leave at this point, I ask my husband and kids to take pictures.

Remember the "band" having a gig? For some reason the singer decides to zero in on us an us taking pictures with our kids. "Sings" about us posing in the pictures & sounds like an absolute deuche, so, I flip him off. Apparently, he likes that, 'cus he starts to sing about wanting to marry a chick like me. WTF. 

Whatever, at this point, we are by the car, and we are putting the kids in their seats. I'm passing around hand sanitizer to the family. I am that mom, with the sanitizer and the snacks after we go the park. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone approaching us. I realize it's the folks from the car next to us. I close the door on myself so they have space, but I was here first, and you all fit just fine. So why would I even think of moving when I have done the most I can to make your return as pleasant as possible? 

The "mother" orders her child to get in the car seat. I am handing out snacks at this time, being cute as hell, because I am an awesome human being sometimes. This woman then purposely pushes my door, to close the door on me. WTF: again. Can't make this shit up, because who wastes time with KARENS!!!!!

So I go kinda nuts. I yell profanity as she quickly closes the door to her Mercedes. I yell at her about pulling such a dick move. I show her my bangin' body and emphasize the ample size of my ass so she knows she's fucking with the wrong body...ody, ody...

Listen, don't mess with me. 

Don't underestimate people. 


So she looks dumb because she has the ugliest set of fake nails on, and two her people are like wtf just happened. And who the fuck knows what she says, but I have the biggest, darkest eyes you have ever seen. They felt fucking embarrassed. At that point my mask was lost, so I was not about to bring down my window, but I made enough of a seen to make her ass too scared to want to leave the parking lot.  HAHAHAHAHAH. She had to leave, 'cus my stare is just too much for people with demons in their souls. 

My kids are like what was that. And I tell the story. And I say it's OK to defend yourself. 

But you know what the cruelest part was, my son saying, "But why all the bad words?" AAAAHHHH I am ghetto my friends. I have a passion for my rights and when both words collide, well, I just speak from my soul and it likes to cuss. I've made so much progress, but I probably need a swear jar or expand my vocab. 

The moral for me was to tone down my anger. To be a better role model for my kids. I would have handled it all the same, but with less cursing. Live and learn. But get it together baby, your kids are not getting any younger, or less forgetful.

I don't even want to edit this. Uuuugh, I probably will. 
