Shutting down at Ikea

Went to Ikea without the kids. You'd think it would go flawless, kidding, shit happens. 

First, Ikea was bought out! We found one much needed dresser, the last one in the pile, but it turned out to be a grey instead of black. Let's just build the thing. 

So while there I suppose my husband was pressed about the time we were taking. We left the kids with his mom. He started to rush and when I'd ask him a question he'd be short with me. I got upset. I gave him the silent treatment. Thankful Ikea is one way type of store, 'cus people would of seen my face and known shit was hitting the fan. 

Finally we get distracted by the line and the waiting for our items that I got over my anger. 

Once the kids were down to bed I told him why it bothered me. I think I tell you all more than I tell him! He was honest about the times he knew things were different between my mom and I. Like I never visit her. Or how I'd get so upset about going to her house, legit tantrums. I told him I was verbally abused as a child, a fact I had not said aloud to anyone. We cried. 

We've known each other since our last semester in High School, a couple since 17 and in my 30's I'm just unpacking my feelings. Thank God for compassionate, passionate human beings in my life.