Return to in Person Learning: Disaster (YOU are the change)

My son joined in person learning today. Second grade status! I've been worried about him going back to school. It's a pandemic! But he's been home for months and needs time to run and have fun. I know my son, and his impulsiveness and his enjoyment in the act of having a good time. He's young, wild and free. I want him to have all that without me, he deserves to be carefree. 

His elementary has roughly 800 students. Lots of parents, strollers, and cars. This morning was a disaster. The lack of organization was right in your face. My frustration is with staff that can't multitask, can't delegate or take the wheel. I am that person. I can't just stand by and allow bullshit. My own impulsivity has gotten me recognition in life, but sometimes, I just wish I would refrain from doing it in the order my brain tells me. Take a breath, assess and adjust needs to be my new mantra. 

LOLLLL guys, I'm on my period and Lexapro may not be doing its full effect on me. I told my husband maybe I'm too intense for this neighborhood. He said "No." I'm the right level. "Everyone else is brand new." They sure do act brand new. 

I emailed the principal, posted below:

Dear Mrs. S,

Happy first day of school. Getting here has not been easy and I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your efforts to keep our Lions learning.

This email is to express some concerns regarding morning arrival for students. I am aware that the daily pass website was not capable of dealing with the amount of traffic. But, I think Fairview (fake name) staff should be more proactive, speaking to parents, informing them to continue to wait or to log into the daily pass website. I had to leave my kids and ask staff if my son could bypass the line since the pass loaded. I was told he could. So I say, “Why don’t you let them know?” (meaning parents). So I inform parents, and guess what, a bunch had the pass.

So I finally get to my kids. We go back to the front together, and I tell an African American man wearing what I think was a black Fairview Shirt, “There is no organization here” He shrugs his shoulders and says, “It’s the first day.”

Really? So all of those people’s time doesn’t matter? Society should suck it up? I am sorry, but his response was rude. Sir, get yourself out there and inform parents. Leave the safety of the school grounds, and get kids in school! Isn’t that the point?

So then I go around to the front gate and see my son wondering around having no clue where to go!

Who was supposed to be there to tell him where to go? It’s rhetorical, a human should have been there to help.

To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I was angry.


My suggestions would be to have a roving team to go to each section and talk to parents about the pass, encourage them to keep trying and wait in the websites virtual line for the daily pass. Have giant QR codes on clipboards to help parents get there.

Have two lines for people that have a daily pass and those without. Don’t think we all know we don’t need to wait in line, again, due to a lack of communication.

More people directing kids to their corresponding areas.


Lastly, there were WAYYYY toooo many people near each other. Next to P avenue, two lines formed one facing north and one facing south, separated by three feet, and people walking down the middle to get to where they need to go. It’s a pandemic. I was shocked, and that fueled my frustration. The line closest to 77th street should wrap around 77th, not stay on P Ave.

I think you put your freshest folks on those gates, and they may need more help.


Thanks for reading,

Kathy Mora

-----I love my kids, I love my community. Pushing out the negative self talk about what happened this morning in order to put in clear view why TF I do what I do. Why I say what I say. 

I am the change. 

(And the strip club eeeehhh)