Let's Go!

It's been a while. I could explain, but how about we start fresh. We'll get to know each other and grow from there. My name is Kathy. I live in Los Angeles. I have a little family living in a part of the big city. Cities and miles seperate us. I was a teacher for a decade. I loved it. I hated it. I was young, green af af. Thankfully teaching has always been a blessing, even on the hard days, it got me to move forward. Shoved me, sometimes. I've tried to start writing again, but I think the rigidity of having to come up with something was too restricting. Writing is a passion, I used to copy song lyrics just because. I wrote stories when I was young, I asked for a typewriter as a gift for my 15th birthday. Typing now reminds me of the loud sound it made as I typed and of having to look for a strip to erase my mistakes. So, I'll pop on in here and tell you what interesting thing I read, or saw or heard. Maybe you might find it interesting, too. Have a blessed day, all day, everyday, Kathy