Cetacean creature, how I love you

Whales are beautiful creatures.  A majestic cetecean marine mammals. 

I had the intention to send a whale that washed ashore at a beach, to the depths of the Ocean, where its resting place should be. 

I envisioned taking its body to the depths of the sea, slowly, letting its body fall, leaving the brightness of the sunlight as it dropped, gently. It arrived at the ocean floor, with a thud that scatters ocean floor debris around it. The darkness enveloping its body, I watch it decay, over time. Giving back to the Ocean, the same way it had given it's food, to it. It took seconds, minutes, but it gave me peace. 

...Today was the last meeting of an online ocean explorers workshop. It meets once a week. 

I missed last weeks. Today, I almost missed it again. I was busy with laundry. But when I finished, with 30 minutes left in a one hour class, I logged in. And there it was, the beautiful whale. 

The diagram of a whale, on the ocean floor, opening its mouth to eat the animals on the ground. It was the reverse of what I had envisioned weeks ago. It spoke to me of renewal. 

Having love for everything, even the things we don't understand, don't embody, is something I am trying to grow in myself. It gets you out of  your space, and into a space of giving. 

Did the whale go with me telepathically into its symbolic resting place? I think so. My intent to send it off with love and respect was there, and I know it wanted to rest there, too.

Have a wonderful day,
