Car Trouble 2

Long story short, no Lemon Law for us. The car is not brand new, even though we purchased the car at a dealership, and added the Ford extended warranty, it was not the original warranty. Lawyers or their helpers were kind enough to guide towards the right direction(s)...fraud lawyer? Consumer protection? Sucky. 

At the mercy of the dealership is what they said. But that they will fix it because we entered into a contract. 

We are thankful the car is at the dealership and they will fix it, one way or another we will have a resolution. 

I think about all the folks getting stuck in similar situation with expired warranties. It's a shame some folks would have to pay out of pocket for a crappy car. A bad car. Imagine having to fix a transmission a second time in a span of 2 months. Geesh!

I hope you are having a wonderful day, that no worries come your way. 
