Wedding Stories

I worked with a veteran teacher for less than a year. She was pregnant and took maternity leave. I was  a first year teacher, but strong willed. We worked well together. Whatever she implemented I also incorporated into my class, almost seamlessly.

So speed up to the following year and she gets married. She tells me she can't invite me to her wedding because of I don't know what. Which I was fine with. We hardly worked together, and there is a difference between professional and personal friendships. 

The next year, I am getting ready to get married! She chats me up about MY wedding. Tells me I need to invite her to the wedding. I'm like, OK. And walk away. 

I didn't invite her. She didn't invite me. Like I have no obligation to anyone. 

So the following week I am back. She asks to look at my wedding ring, and you know what her petty ass says, "It's so small." 

"Give me back my hand!" Is what I should of said. I love my ring. It's my ring. She tried to deflect by saying she needed a big ring 'cus of her big hands. 

They are kind of big. 

Also, hardly anyone tried the wedding cake I brought to work. OK someone did, but she was also a bridesmaid! LOL I loved my coworkers, but I also don't think anyone needed to get their feelings hurt because they were not invited. 


Ok lol I have a bonus wedding story. 

For a long time I had an awesome group of friends, but truthfully they were friends for YEARS before I showed up. They were kind enough to welcome me in (we lost touch because I was spiraling with PMDD). 

Anyway, there was one friend, who was nice to me, but I just couldn't figure out. Was she really nice or not? Her vibe was hard to decipher. We hardly saw each other, so it was all good. She gets married, doesn't invite me. Again, all good. 

Fast forward to me getting married and she tells me, "You better invite me to your wedding." Lol like "Yeah, OK." And walk the fuck away. 

Why do women feel like they can talk to others like that. I felt that was rude, and unnecessary. Isn't it up to the bride and groom to come up with the guests list? Real money goes into a wedding, we ain't got time to appease complexes. 

You might ask, what if you see them again? What if I do? I'm still going to be kind, and sweet as always. It is not a diss to not invite you, it may just be economics, not a popularity game. 

Don't mistake kindness and good vibes for weakness. Some of us walk this path with love before hate or fear. So when women try to tell me what to do, often veiled by a laugh, I just smile and walk away. 


or maybe it's
