Meal Planning - Updated

I posted with zero writing. Trippin'.

I'll make up for it ;)

I think meal planning can be tricky. 

It required rotation of meals (it doesn't have to, but if you live with more than two people, you should try to cater to their needs too), and the customization (even if small) of people's food preferences (When I make tuna I make two batches, one with Serranos and one that isn't spicy). Along with writing, and deal hunting (if you are game).

These are the simple steps I have taken to help me.

In this order:

1. I work one week at a time 

I still haven't found a system that allows me to work multi week. I don't have enough money to spend on more than a week, and I don't have the fridge space (I need a new fridge. Like last year).

2. What's in your fridge?

Ask yourself, that is the motivation to rise up and look. Things that are old, get tossed. A list of fruits and veggies on hand is a must. I have a dry erase sticker on my fridge where I write this list.
It will help you save money that week. Don't forget to check your pantry for canned goods you may need, but already have. 

3. Write Monday - Sunday on a paper, and look up the weather

Huh? Yeah! It may be autumn, but the sun is king in L.A. I plan my meals around the hotter days of the week. That will help me narrow down my food choices. So hot days, no oven! or soups, or a sweaty mother. Cold days, we eat what we want! Darn it!

4. Bring out my Dinner Idea List

It's written on my monthly planner. I'm always adding new meals. For example, not a meal, but a great find: Frozen Salmon isn't horrible. I wrote just that on there. So, it's part of our rotation from time to time. 

5. Write 5-6 dinner ideas (from my list) that I know my family will like

What about days 6-7, Kat? The rest we will either eat out, or I just don't know, and I'll make something up. 

6. Bring that list over to a new list (yayyyyy, lists : / )

This list is my, yet to be filled, grocery list.

7. Open up the Flipp app and/or visit grocery websites 

Flipp is an app that has some of my local grocery stores' Weekly ads ready for me too scrutinize.
Or I find the ads on their websites:

Superior Grocers
Grocers outlet
Northgate Market

If my meal is Chicken Salad my list may look like this:

These are the ingredients I'll need for this meal

Chicken salad:
Head of lettuce
ranch dressing
Chicken Thighs (6pk)

...I only write down what I don't have on hand. Don't buy doubles. 

Oh wait! I have onion, salad dressing and tomato, cross those out, money saved. 

8. Ignore the anxiety and buy your groceries. 

Hope this helps!! Bye for now,
