New Year Resolutions - Happy New Year

 It's that time of year.

I heard today that resolutions help the brain go forward, instead of pulling from the past to make your present. 

So here go my resolutions to keep this momentum going :)

In no particular order:

1. Exercise - walk one mile at least 4 days a week

2. plank daily to at least 4 times a week - 2-3 minutes

3. keep writing

4. make rings

5. make necklaces

6. finish kitchen cabinets

7. read 

8. take my medication

9. Use my wellness maintenance plan 

10. track my period and prepare for the week before and the week of my period

11. play with my son and my daughter more often

12. start my eBay store

13. stop the flower

Hope you have a resolution or two, or more. 

Have a wonderful new year!!