Setting Healthy Boundaries

 I told my brother I'd get back to him when I felt ready to. 

I was struggling with communicating with him, much like I was with my mom. I don't want confrontation, or misconstrued ideas. I want what is best for me, my family and them as well. But I cannot compromise the latter for the former. 

He text me first. He said he was sorry for his joke and that he knew I was "in a rough spot" and was sorry. That is not an apology. My emotional state had nothing to do with me thinking his "joke" was not funny. 

There is nothing wrong with you for disagreeing with someone else. That person should not use their words to make you the victim. No victims here. I'm looking out for myself. Normal human things we don't do enough of. 

I sent him information on mental health, but he said he'd read it when he has time. I don't have the time to wait for that. I don't want the type of energy he has at this time. It is dark. I almost feel like he enjoys talking about some things that I find triggering. I am here to help him, but he has to find himself. 

I told him I was not in a rough spot, but instead was setting healthy boundaries

As we all should. 

