Heat Rash

I have a bad case of heat rash on my neck. In my 20's I had a bad case of it on my arms. Layers of skin began to peel and the itch was very intense. I worked with a summer camp in Long Beach, CA and was outdoors all day. But the camp was located in an older elementary school and it had a lot of dust and old paper smell. The combination of both dust and sweat created a terrible reaction. I still have scars from those days. What I know today will save me a lot of pain. 

Similarly, my skin is puffing up and is soft to the touch. It's all trapped sweat! (grossss) My sweat glands are clogged and don't let the sweat go through to the outside layer of the skin, instead trapping it in the middle. It is itchy! If you scratch it gets worse, it becomes more irritated and uncomfortable. 

Staying out of the sun is most definitely the number one way to control a heat rash, but that is not an easy solution. For example, not walking for me entails weight gain because I have less space to move my body at home. I have opted into covering my arms. I'm recalling the first sign of heat rash were my hands becoming itchy and getting  raised bumps under my skin. I am covering my self well, except for my neck. DUH!

What has worked for me has been ice packs. They help bring down the swelling and redness. They help make the rash less noticeable. I found that sleeping on the side with he rash makes the rash worse. When I have woken up with redness and itchiness but don't have an ice pack handy I use Costco baby wipes. The itch and redness are soothed. This afternoon, I am trying air drying my body after I shower, to give my pores a chance to "air dry?"  

Well after the shower I had to use an ice pack on both sides of my neck. Maybe some Aveeno soap would helps sooth the rash in the shower. I had a brisk walk yesterday and wore my head up with a hat. My neck was exposed (uuufff). Not really sure how to approach the next time I go out for a walk, but I'll keep you posted. 

It's Labor Day weekend!

Have a happy and safe holiday,
