I think I'm paranoid? (A.K.A. nosy females)

Everyone has already heard about how men stare at women, well women do it to other women, too.

I know women can relate to this. 

Other women stare at you. 

They watch you come, and follow your every step. 

It's a habit some women have. 

It is creepy. 

If you are a woman and you do this to other women, we notice you. 


The heck with that nonsense...

Gals, what is going on with you?

Is your life so uneventful that you look forward to what someone else is wearing, doing?

That's appealing to you?

Time for a major life shakeup, don't ya think?

Get your hair done, get some nails, do your makeup, focus on yourself

We may act like we don't care or we don't see you, but we feel fucking uncomfortable by YOU. 

I've had a mom stare at me every afternoon for over a week. We stand in a line waiting for the bell to ring at the end of the day. I always managed to stay in the back of this particular mom. My son and her son are good friends, of course. This mom decided to stare at me, stealing glimpses of what I do, instead of introducing herself, like a normal human. 

I stayed quiet. I played with my child. I mind my own damn business. PERIOD. But she was so dang obvious about it. Looking at me. Staring at me. Watching me play with my daughter. UGH!!! I finally had enough. 

One afternoon, I was feeling good after a brisk 15 minute walk to my son's school. I enjoy walking and running on city streets. I have for the last three years, on and off, due to covid. Maybe I look like I'm in a rush, but I'm pumping my heart. I don't just wear athletic gear for aesthetic, I like to sweat. 

So as I am walking towards the line, this woman is just intently looking at me. So as I parked my daughters stroller and gave Jazzy her cars to play with (hoping this woman would look away) I looked at her & said, "What?" 

I used my hands, my body, my face (behind the mask) to convey my frustration. 

I will literally go as far from these people to walk and improve myself, because I care about me. I ain't a show for these folks. 

Toxic people are everywhere and you have to set healthy boundaries! 

The next day Captain Obvious was less interested in me. 

(haha these folks can be incredibly pathetic. They most definitely get to me. But in reading this, I can sense how much it bothers me. It bother me today, but I am so much cooler under pressure.)

Have a great day, 
