Calling a therapist after speaking to a loved one

So after all that, I could not feel better.

I text my cousin and my husband. 

My husband called back first, he made sense. Can't change her, he says, "She's old school."

He's a sweet man. 

My cousin also called me but he was on his way to work. 

It is hard to find people that can be there for you when you feel sad and alone. 

I decided to call the behavioral health hotline to speak to a professional about what happened. 

She told me my mother was perhaps not someone I should speak to because it doesn't help my mental health. 

Her saying that made me feel better. I felt sad. But she heard me and said my mom made it about herself instead of listening to me. It helps so much to speak to someone, just to get it out. People in our lives are super busy. Can't hold that against anyone. So I had to use my resources. I had to speak to a professional. She encouraged me to write. 

Please ask for help, professionals are there for us.