Writing emails to my mental health provider

The first time I had a Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder episode, after going on the generic version of Lexapro I was a wreck. I felt depression all over again and had self negative talk constantly on my mind. The thought of having to write an email to my doctor to try and fix what was happening was a constant source of stress. On top of all the other perceived stressors. 

I don't want worry to stop anyone from seeking help. Especially from a trusted professional. Therapists, psychologists and doctors are here to help us deal with our lives, and aid us in becoming a better version of ourselves. Over time, they get to know us as who we really are, flawed individuals who want to live a better life. 

These are all ideas that helped me write my emails. Use my ideas to build your own emails, to tell your own story. We are all so beautifully unique, don't allow that light to dim during your low points. 

Find a way to flourish. 

Things I kept in mind when writing an email to my mental health provider:

Keep it simple: stick to key points:

*State the problem:

I am having a PMDD episode.


I had a PMDD episode


State the date(s), times

*Does it fit a pattern?

I have had PMDD episodes 7 days before my period, this episode fits that pattern. 

*What happened during the episode?

I did not feel in control of my emotions during my episode. I had the following symptoms: depression, negative talk, suicidal ideation...

*What do you think was the trigger to your episode? (Super optional)

The trigger may have been I felt overwhelmed by: ___________

*How are you currently feeling?

At this time I feel sad, but I called the hotline number I was provided and feel more in control. 


I am feeling very sad and angry. 

Be honest. 

*Finally: What is that YOU need?

I would like to speak to you about adjusting my medication. 


I need to schedule an appointment with you to discuss next steps. 


What do you suggest the next steps should be?


I have made the following adjustments...

I hope this helps someone feel less overwhelmed about writing to their doctor(s). 

Love always, 
