Weight: After Pregnancy Pt. 1

When I delivered my son I was a whopping 181 pounds. At my heaviest weight, at the age of 15, I weighed 175 pounds. After beginning my treck as a vegetarian in 2002, my senior year of high school, I began to see changes and has lost a significant amount of weight. Throughout high school I had began to learn how to eat better. I was not feeling my best and decided that the culprit in my diet was meat. Not meat itself, but the way my mom prepared our food. It was greasy and very delicious! So I began by moderating my portions, to finally giving it up all together. Even after all that, my weight has always been between 145-155. I never worked out. The most I would give any exercise regimen was a week. Never enough time to stick.

When I found out I was pregnant in 2013, I weighed 140 pounds and had just began working out. I felt great! When I delivered my son in March of 2014 I was at 181 pounds. I had gained about 41 pounds.

I was curious to learn more about my weight gain during my pregnancy, I decided to chart my weight by using my doctors visit weigh ins. 


July 17 - 140 pounds (First OBGYN visit)
July 25 - 141 pounds

August 23 - 146 pounds

October 29 - 148 pounds

November 25 - 156 pounds (The holidays got me good)

December 18 - 168 pounds

+28 pounds (Since 7/17)


January 23 - 168 pounds (I found out my son was breech)

February 14 - 176 pounds
February 25 - 177 pounds

March 4 - 181

+13 pounds (Since 12/18)

Total Weight Gain: 41 Pounds

 April 8 - 153 (Last OBGYN visit)

Total weight lost since March 4th, 2014 - 28 pounds

May 23 - 156 (Had a physical)
My doctor was pleased with my weight loss. I was not. I had begun working out in March, therefore that weight in May was lower than I had expected. I had been feeling heavy for some time. I was not happy with what I saw in the mirror. In preparation for a physical I decided to begin working out. I was not sure about which way to go when choosing an exercise regimen. I decided to go for low impact and chose Winsor Pilates.

From the time I gave birth to the decision to begin working out took over one year. My "American" way of thinking contributed to my lack of focus when loosing weight. I would like to reflect more on that thought in another post.

The 28 pounds I lost after having my son have to do with loss of blood, placenta, an 8 pound 6 oz baby and finally, I believe, having a solid footing in a vegetarian diet. I felt less inclined to listen to my hunger and more towards my reasoning. I was careful about how much I ate. It was not always easy. I had many slip-ups, but overall I felt good when I was weighed on March of 2014 and saw a fair amount of weight loss.

Today, July 4th 2015, I weigh 153 pounds, again. I have been falling off the wagon with exercising, but have kept it in the forefront since March. I manage to sneak in at least one video a week (on a bad week). I wrote this post with another thought in mind, but went into this. I don't want it to appear like I'm obsessing over weight. I think I'm just in a smarter place when it comes to these numbers. I can't run away from something that comes right along with me. I am looking at my weight in a healthier frame of mind. I hope to convey that through future posts.

Just Curious,
