Hair today, gone tomorrow

I've always had waaaaayyyy tooooo much hair. My hair is very thick, kind of curly, bouncy and black. So black, people think my hair is colored. :( I have experienced hair loss all of my life. I have clogged up many drains. I considered shedding hair, at every shower, a part of my life. It was just how it was.

When I got pregnant, I began to notice less and less hair loss. By the time I was ready to deliver, only a few hairs were falling out. I had read that this was normal. Hormones were helping my body get used to housing a child. These hormones were responsible for healthy skin, nails and hair. I was feeling relieved that my hair loss was curbed. It gets old having to unclog hairballs from the drain while your trying to have a relaxing or quick shower.

Roughly six months after giving birth, I began to loose my hair, again. The amount of hair loss was surprising. For a veteran hair looser, I began to get scared. Clumps and clumps of hair would be on my hands and on the tub floor.  The hair loss was not enough for my husband to notice a big change, but I did see a change in the amount of hair I had. I saw a noticeable difference when I grabbed all my hair in a ponytail. The thickness at the base of the ponytail felt less thick than ever before. After a few hair washes, I knew I had to either make a doctors appointment (that's how freaked out this had me) or do an online search. I chose door number two.

I was very happy when I read comments by mothers that had experienced similar situations. This was a normal part of being a mommy. Our bodies go through a lot of changes. I mean, we end up with a baby!!! So it was not surprising that the hormones that helped me make a healthy child, were now slowly decreasing from my body, leading to my hair loss.

16 months after having my son, my hair loss is back to normal. One to two handfuls of lost hair is normal for me. It sounds weird to write it, but I have so much hair, that loosing two bunches makes no real difference. My hair looks thick and bouncy. When I put my hair in a ponytail, my hair amount is not back to normal, but I do feel a change in my hair thickness.

So in case you're loving that beautiful pregnancy hair of yours, don't feel scared if it starts to fall out. Take it in stride, it's way better than your body thinking it still has a baby inside!

It's shower time!,
