What are Tubular or Tuberous Breasts?

***The following links will take you to the National library of Medicine's National Center for Biotechnology's Breast Anomalies Page (That's a mouthful). They show black and white pictures and diagrams of Tubular breasts, also referred to as Tuberous Breasts.***

I was reading about my breast type and found this on Wikipedia. I understand that Wikipedia is not a "reliable" source, but reading what the author of the article wrote concerning my breasts, I felt compelled to share.
"Tuberous breasts are not simply small or underdeveloped breasts. The effect of the condition on the appearance of the breast can range from mild to severe, and typical characteristics include: enlarged, puffy areola, unusually wide spacing between the breasts, minimal breast tissue, sagging, higher than normal breast fold, and narrow base at the chest wall. The condition can affect the ability of women to breastfeed as in some cases the breasts, including the milk glands, have not developed enough to produce breast milk. However, other physical aspects of fertility and pregnancy are not affected by the condition.”

I've underlined the text I feel pertains to my breast type and go into specifics bellow.

In my case...

My Type
Type I (Please click on the link to take you to a diagram)

I have small breasts. I don't fill out shirts very well and often rely on under-wire bras to give me lift. I don't usually purchase padded bras. Since I'm petite, 5 feet, 3 inches tall, having smaller breasts doesn't look odd on me. My breasts are on the smaller B side. I mostly have to move up in sizing due to the circumference of my upper chest, more so than by breast size.

Since my breasts seemed normal to me, and my husband never mentioned anything, I say my breasts are on the mild side. I also think they are mild in the scale because my breasts seem proportional to one another. I've read of cases where one breast is more affected than the other and there is a difference in shape and/or size. I am able to breastfeed my son, some women with this issue cannot produce any milk.

My Characteristics...
I definitely have enlarged and puffy areola (Click on link for diagram. Mine are type III). My areola also appear to be much too big for my breast size (Mine are Type II).
Thankfully, when my breasts are perky my tubular breasts are not as noticeable. But they do sag! BOOOO.

I also have, "Unusually wide spacing between the breasts." It is most noticeable when I am not wearing a bra. I've never had "natural" cleavage.

I am able to produce some breastmilk. I have been told by 2 lactation consultants that there could be a possibility that I may make more breastmilk with subsequent pregnancies. I'm hopeful.

Fertility and pregnancy were not affected.

Tubular Bells :)
