How We Shared Our Pregnancy

Lui and I had decided we wanted to make our announcement to our parents special, yet a bit sneaky. We had just gotten our 2nd set of ultrasounds. We had decided not to tell our parents until after our 2nd month had passed. For some reason I kept thinking something could happen to our baby. Still on vacation and feeling really rough morning sickness I lay in bed watching TV. A segment on Making a Shadow Box came out on a show called Deals. After watching the segment I thought it was an interesting way to share with our parents that we were pregnant.

Lui and I purchased two black shadow boxes, as well as glitter paper. We used ultrasound pictures and pictures of both of us to add to the shadow box. We decided that the pictures of us should be recent, recent enough that I should be pregnant in them, even though I was not showing.  We wrapped both of the boxes up like presents and proceeded to visit each of our parents' homes.

Lui's parents were outside, talking. I brought out the gift and told them it was for both of them. They debated on who should open the gift. Lui and I looked at each other nervously as we waited for their reaction. His mom was the one that opened the gift. At first she looked at it, then said, in Spanish, -!No lo puedo creer! (I can't belive it!). They hugged us and started to cry. His brothers came out and shyly gave us hugs too.

We then drove to my parents' home. Once they opened it their gift, their eyes lit up. My dad said, -!Ya era tiempo! (About time!). They hugged us and were super excited for the baby to come. They asked if everything was going well, and if we knew the gender. It was still to soon to find out. I thought that was the right time to tell my mom that I had found out I was pregnant they same day my grandmother passed. I also told her about my grandma coming by to say goodbye.

The shadow boxes were a great way to let our family know. It's great to go to their homes and see the boxes on display. When we get pregnant again, I hope to make another shadow box. I also plan on making shadow boxes about our wedding and our baby :) 

In case you would like to learn how to make a shadow box, I have provided a link to the clip from the show.

Making a Shadow Box - Video of Show I watched that gave me the idea to build one!

Show: Deals
Host: Kat Cosley
Live Well Network