I didn't defrost the chicken.

I purposely didn't defrost the chicken.


I didn't want to have to defrost it, season it, get everything messier than it is. 

I'm sorry to my husband, who will never read this. 

I just want to sit here and be calm. 

I almost didn't write, but I needed to get out of my own head, by going into it. 

So, instead of a bbq,

I'll be making:

-Menudo (canned, sounds unappealing 'cus it's in a can, but with all the fixins' and little extra touches   
 it's delicious). 

For the kids, chicken nuggets and fries. Frozen. OMG I'm so bad. 

Why? Sounds like i'm not even trying...but I am. Promise. 

For the kids' lunch I'm making oatmeal with banana and cinnamon. Nutricious but not difficult to whip up. Also some watermelon. 

Cooking can be tedious, but as a famous Youtuber Armando en tu Cocina says: 

La Cocina es con Amor Y no por Obligación. 

Cooking is with love and not by obligation 

That is why we should always have a plan B in our pantry. Some days, I am not going to work harder than I want to. But I'd never leave my loved ones without a meal made with love.

See you!


Hello - Meal-ing and dealing


Just thought I'd plop on here and share the meals I'm making for the week.

Monday: Spaghetti and Enchiladas (went really well together :)

             - Barilla Pasta (No4)
             - Jared Pasta Sauce

             - Green, mild, enchilada sauce

             - Frozen section garlic bread

...and that is how I handle a stressfull Monday

Tuesday: Tuna Tostadas

               - Can Tuna, mayo, salt and peper
               - Onion, cilantro, tomato, lemon (about 2), grated carrot, cucumber
               - Store bought Tostadas (Guerrero are OK)

Wednesday: Tortas de Frijol (Bean sandwiches...looses its meaning in translation)
                 - Homade Pot of Beans (Frijoles de Olla)
                    Need a recipe? Check it here.
                 - Fixins: mayo, lettuce, tomato, cheese (queso fresco or mozzarella), canned jalapeños in
                   vinegar, onion...yum.

Thursday - Salmon, white rice and broccoli

                 - I just discovered frozen, wild caught, salmon at a not so local Winco in Lakewood, CA.
                 - Shameful, but I'm searching for a good white rice recipe. My husband requests, "fluffy
                   white rice." Um, OK. Off to buy a rice cooker. J/k I'll try to find one. Shameful.

Friday - Bbq (tentative)

Working on the beans now. Gotta check them in 10 min....

Have a great day!


Super B Complex

Hey all.

I'd like to quickly share something that has helped me for the last two years. As you may know, I suffered from postpardum depression for a long time. Mostly due to my inability to speak about it. I am thankful that I am becoming more aware of things that have helped me be in a better mental state.

Since 2016 I have been taking a B Complex to help with my irritability. it was recommended by a nurse at Kaiser (a network of dcotors and hospitals in California) to take instead of SAM-e, when I became pregnant with my daughter. I'll write about my experience with SAM-e in a future post.

I purchase a B Complex at Kaiser (all should carry it) by Nature's Blend.

Natures Blend: Super B Complex with Vitamin C.

I have noticed, that if I don't take it daily, I see my irritability return. Still, I feel like I can manage it better because it lessens my feelings of anger (sounds bad, but it has become so much better for me since taking the B Complex) because I have been taking it daily.

I an not a doctor, just sharing something non-invasive that has helped me cope with my emotions during my menstrual cycle and beyond.

...before I go, it does turn your Pee yellow, but I take it as a sign that my body is using the vitamins.

Take care!
