FDA Warns Against 3D Ultrasounds

When I was pregnant with my son, I had a couple of complications and needed to have ultrasounds taken of him, to ensure he was well. My mother warned me against the use of 3D & 4D ultrasounds. She informed me she had heard on the news that those types of ultrasounds were not safe for a fetus. I never intended to purchase a 3D or 4D ultrasound. I knew I had to pay out of pocket and I didn't want to spend the extra money. I also thought the 2D ultrasounds I received at my doctors office were phenomenal! I could see my son and was thrilled, regardless of the prominence of his features, or not. I also had my own reservations about the use of 3D ultrasound. The technology is fairly new and I did not want to expose my son.

The following article, researched by CBS News, does not go into great detail about these machine types, but it does state that any type of ultrasound my heat tissue and can cause unwanted complications. It's more food for thought, I guess.

If you are thinking about getting a "keepsake" 3D fetal image, please read the following articles.

This article can be found on the Yahoo homepage (please click on the link) which then takes you to the CBS News website.

Sioux Land News also reported on the FDA's warning.

Take Care!
