Go Get Her Husband! (have your camera ready!) It's Baby Time!

This blog post is a continuation to two previous blogs. If you would like to read them please follow the links.
Scar Tissue (that i wish you never saw) - Preparing for my surgery and getting to the hospital 
From Pre-Surgery Room to Operating Table - My perspective of Surgery day


After my OBGYN told me they were ready to begin the C-Section, I remember laying still and trying to feel. I imagined what could be happening to my body. I had looked up the C-Section procedure after finding out my son was breech. On operating day, I looked at the blue partition in front of me. I felt nervous. Jittery from the spinal.

About 20 minutes go by and Dr. V comes to my side and tells me that he had asked the nurse to get my husband.

My husband walked in and looked pale. I could only see his eyes. I watched him walk in. He quickly scanned the room. Our eyes locked. He quickly came towards me, grabbed my hand and smiled.

Not long after, I see this HUGE creature come over the partition. That was epically scary! I was NOT ready for that. My son was big. But the shock of a purple baby coming out of me, in an operating room! Took me for a big 'ol loop. I was not mentally prepared for that. It all felt so sudden. I felt zero tugging. The nurse came around and placed my son next to me. I was able to hold his head next to mine. He was then whisked away, along with my husband. They were cleaning up our baby. I heard him cry.

That moment I saw my son for the very first time, it felt like there was no connection between him and I. I know, know that those feeling were more uncertainty than lack of complete emotion. It did feel strange to have him shown to me over the partition.

About 5 minutes later or so my husband and son were taken to another room. I wish they would of stayed.

In the process, the medical team was getting me ready to see my son. To get me sutured up took about a half our. The doctor did a great job of lining up my wound and closing it up with self dissolving sutures, instead of staples or other means.


My husband and I have recounted that day several times. I wanted to know his perspective as soon as I started caring about other things rather than the discomfort of having a C-Section and the newness of having a new born. He told me he walked in and looked into the direction of the operation. I'm sure he was told not to look. He almost past out twice during the birthing videos at Lamaze! Uuuuufff. So he tells me that all he saw was red. So lots of blood. Obvious, but having him tell it and to see his facial expressions, it filled the gaps pretty well. He then told me he thought I didn't look too good. Pale.

After meeting my son, the nurse took the baby, they went to the baby warmer that was in the operating room and started to get him clean. They gave him his first bath. The nurse said he had beautiful lungs. He cried, a lot. My husband and son were then taken to a waiting room that had partitions. It was the same room where he was waiting for me prior to our sons birth. My husband said my son was looking for food from the moment he was born. He loves to eat! Poor thing had to wait some time before I arrived. In the meantime my husband took pictures and video of him as they eagerly waited for me. My husband did not expect for the last part of the operation to take so long. He said he was beginning to worry. Specially since I had not looked so good to him.

In the operating room, I also felt like the procedure was taking a long time. I was not worried, because I felt fine, but I really wanted to see my husband and son. I wanted to hold them both. We had finally made it! 9 months of crazy adventure came down to a partition and a purple baby! Oh and a scar as a reminder.

After the operation I was wheeled in by the nurse to see them! Before I left everyone congratulated me and applauded.  We were off to see my son. Eeeek!!
