He's Breech and proud of it! Part 1

I had been going to my OGBYN for my monthly visits. I was 8 months pregnant and feeling alright. My body felt big, but nothing that I could not manage. My job involves children and for the most part they were sympathetic to my growing tummy.

The month before I had seen the "nurse practitioner" at my doctors office. She is a very nice nurse. She looked at my belly did some tests, she pressed on my stomach and found his head and told me my boy was head down. I was happy to hear the good news, by that time he was supposed to be head down, ready to experience the wonders of a natural child birth. 

As I waited for my OBGYN doctor during my 8th month check up, I looked and read the posters I had seen so many times. I gazed at the one that showed the months progression and remembered the first time I was there, anxiously waiting for the OBGYN. That hot summer day in July,  I ready every single poster that was in the room, down to the labels on the machines. I did the same that day, almost 9 months later.

At that time,  it felt as if my OBGYN was an old friend. I no longer wondered if he remembered me. I knew he knew me from the moment he walked in. Although he greeted everyone the same cheerful way, once he was in the room he was my doctor. The visit started the same as always, "How are you?" "How are you feeling?" "Is he moving?" He then started to measure and check my belly. He told me to wait while he wheeled in the ultrasound machine. My heart told me that wasn't good. He spoke to me and prepared my belly with the cold lubricant. He turned the machine one. He looked for my baby and said, "Just as I thought, your baby is breech."

My heart sank. 

My thoughts of having a natural child birth, picturing myself squeezing out a baby, sweat and anguish all over my face, were blown away. 

He sat and told me that he would be planning a C-Section for my delivery. That C-Sections were the best bet in a situation like this. I started to cry. The doctor I thought was my friend, turned into a doctor. He matter-of-factly told me about the procedure, the minimal risk, the recovery. He handed me a tissue, asked me if I was OK. I nodded, but of course, I wasn't. I felt alone. Again. I felt betrayed by my body. By my son. Why did he flip? What could I do?

When I was finally able to speak and ask questions, he told me that I could try a procedure called an External Cephalic Version (ECV). He told me there was a 50/50 chance it would work. He told me it would be painful.  

He asked if I wanted to try the "Version." I decided it was a good gamble. I really wanted to have my baby naturally.

Breech Baby Information - A Link to information regarding the different types of Breech Baby Presentations

The standard procedure used during an External Cephalic Version (ECV)