
History, once again, repeating itself.

I always saw it strange how fashion trends flash back again. 

Now look at this war, full of lies, youth at stake. 

It's impossible for me to follow this world as it is. 

I dig and find. 

Conclude in time, 

that here is WWII again. 

For as long as I can remember, Putin was on the wrong side. 

He's killed, admonished and then done it all over again. 

The world looking the other way.

So here we are. 

Repeating the same tactics as Hitler. 

Using youth to kill, using grown ups to ignore and state propaganda as the source. 

Yes, I hear the answer, no WWIII!

We ain't going in. 

Super powers get to choose the time to act. 

But I see beyond that. 

I see what is happening to the old, the mother's and their kids. 

They are dying a slow death, mental and physical. 

Their men, dying in a war full of lies and deceit. 

Both sides, thrown into the fire to see who will burn first. 

While Putin sits in room, screen full of yes men, telling him It's all under control. 

Let's do it!

I've been on a bit of a journey. Like I've shared before, my neighborhood isn't the best. It is dirty, gang infested and can be a downer. I've been walking my neighborhood on and off for the last year and it doesn't get any easier to ignore the BS. Still, I make the effort to get out there and at least take a 10 min. walk. It helps my mental state and gives me a quick heart rate jump. 

I'll give it to most people, I don't seem the most approachable. I'm here to live my best life and small talk and friendship are just not things I look for while taking a walk or taking my son to school. People see that as rude or bitchy. It's not. I had a man come out and tell a woman I seemed conceited. From walking by people, for just a few seconds he deduced I was arrogant. How in the world. 

Another time I'm walking by and some women say to each other, it must be 1:30pm, time to get ready to pick up the kids. 'Cus I'm a damn clock. My last straw was walking by a house and a man saying, loud enough for me to hear him, "to get rid of the love handles." I flipped off the house. Like, what in the world, folks. People cannot see someone and think, she's working out for her health. She seems busy. Nope, its critics and bullshit commentary. 

Has all that deterred me from my goals!

You bet.

It got me in a bit of funk. Not angry, just not productive. Leaving the house to go for walks didn't seem fun anymore. My daughter didn't want to go on walks since they were "too long" for her. So without her saying, "Yeah! Let's go," I stopped. Three weeks later, I've gained weight, and do not like my double chin. My body goes from thin-ish to overweight quickly. But this time instead of hating myself, telling myself I have nothing to wear and all around tearing myself down. I stopped.

I reflected on what goals I want to accomplish. One of them is to loose weight, yes but it is also about t not keep gaining weight. To look at what I'm eating and changing it up. I've ditched my eggs in the morning and started eating salads and adding more meat and veggies to my diet. Less soda during the day means a soda in the evening. More water. I even started doing a Youtube workout. I added resistance bands to my workout to add something new to my routine. 

Point is, don't give up on  yourself. Don't be hard on yourself. Do reflect and make small changes.

Even though I don't take my daughter for 30 min. walks, I take her on 10 min. walks and she gets to pick a few flowers. 

Small changes equate to small victories and over time, they will add up and you'll feel better. 

Living life is the point, so let's do it!